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multiphase flow

Predicting Liner Wear in a SAG Mill using Rocky DEM coupled with ANSYS CFD

    LEAP will be in Melbourne at the 2nd Int’l Symposium on Computational Particle Technology to showcase exciting new modelling work that has been completed recently using Rocky DEM and ANSYS CFD to predict liner wear in a semi-autonomous grinding (SAG) mill, using ANSYS CFD to model the effects of slurry flow within the mill on liner wear and particle breakage.

    Recent advances in Multiphase Flow Modelling

      What’s changed in the world of multiphase flow modelling in the past 2-3 years? As always, an understanding of the physics of the system that you are modelling remains the number one priority, however, a number of new developments will help you address a wider range of multiphase flows and in a faster and more effective way.

      Solving Complex Combustion Challenges with CFD

      Combustion technology underpins almost every facet of our modern life, from electricity generation to industrial heaters/furnaces through to automotive engines. Increasing social and economic pressure to minimise energy use and reduce pollution is driving the use of CFD to improve the efficiency of combustion processes.

      Using CFD to enhance your mixing process and drive down costs

      Mixing processes are critical to a wide range of industrial applications across the the paint, food, pharmaceutical, minerals and water treatment industries. CFD is becoming fundamental to the successful operation of mixing processes including clarification, cell culture growth, fermentation, polymerization and blending.