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Inflation Layer Meshing

Heat Exchange CFD Calculations at Conflux Technology

    This blog provides highlights from Conflux’s presentation on their CFD heat exchange calculations at the 2021 Australasian Ansys Fluids user group. Learn how a mix of design engineers, simulation experts and additive manufacturing specialists are creating cutting-edge heat transfer solutions with the aim of revolutionising the heat exchange technologies used across many industries.

    How to Benefit from Decades of Experience in Turbulence Modelling

    David Fletcher from LEAP discusses the importance of the 3rd Turbulence Best Practices guide recently released by Florian Menter and his team at Ansys.
    This latest BPG documents the key best practices in RANS turbulence modelling, with comprehensive coverage of all widely-used 1-equation, 2-equation and Reynolds stress models.

    Aorta geometry, imported in STL format.

    How to Shrink Wrap a biomedical STL file in Fluent Meshing

    A How-To guide for Fluent Meshing’s new Shrink Wrap tool which provides a powerful, easy-to-use solution for meshing complex STL geometries. This is a step-by-step guide on how to produce a high-quality CFD mesh for an abdominal aorta, imported in medium-resolution STL format (NIH).

    Turbulence Part 5 – Overview of Scale-Resolving Simulations (SRS)

      An increasing number of industrial CFD users are recognising the need to move away from RANS modelling and resolve a greater spectrum of turbulence (particularly in cases involving large-scale separation, strongly swirling flows, acoustics, etc.). Here we present an overview of Scale Resolving Simulation techniques and important considerations when considering applying SRS to your project.