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design and testing

Q&A with 2017 F1 in Schools National Champions – Golden Diversity

    Leading to 2019 National Finals, hear some insights from Hoai Nguyen, Design Engineer from the Golden Diversity F1 in Schools team from Queechy High School – Hoai was closely involved in using CFD simulations and Augmented Reality for their car and display for the 2017 World Finals.

    Predicting Liner Wear in a SAG Mill using Rocky DEM coupled with ANSYS CFD

      LEAP will be in Melbourne at the 2nd Int’l Symposium on Computational Particle Technology to showcase exciting new modelling work that has been completed recently using Rocky DEM and ANSYS CFD to predict liner wear in a semi-autonomous grinding (SAG) mill, using ANSYS CFD to model the effects of slurry flow within the mill on liner wear and particle breakage.

      Swapping Fuel for More Beer on your next Caravan Holiday

      Caravan owners are well aware that the speed they drive at and the shape of their caravan can greatly affect fuel consumption.
      In partnership with Caravan World magazine, we’ve taken a closer look into the performance of caravans with the aid of CFD, including some less obvious factors that can help shave off the drag on your caravan and improve fuel consumption.

      Using CFD to stop overheating of electronics and electrical equipment

        Simulation technology allows us to accurately predict the thermal performance of electronics/electrical equipment during early design stages, giving engineers the confidence that thermal failures in the field (and the adverse warranty issues they may bring) can be considered a thing of the past.