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CFD modelling of turbulent flows

Turbulence Part 5 – Overview of Scale-Resolving Simulations (SRS)

    An increasing number of industrial CFD users are recognising the need to move away from RANS modelling and resolve a greater spectrum of turbulence (particularly in cases involving large-scale separation, strongly swirling flows, acoustics, etc.). Here we present an overview of Scale Resolving Simulation techniques and important considerations when considering applying SRS to your project.

    Learn from the Expert: Turbulence Training with Dr. Florian Menter

    Dr. Menter is a world-recognised expert in turbulence modelling.

    He developed the widely used Shear-Stress Transport (SST) turbulence model, which has set a milestone in the accurate prediction of aerodynamic flows. He has also contributed to the formulation of one-equation turbulence models, advanced near wall treatment of turbulence equations, transition modelling and unsteady flow models. He has been in charge of the turbulence modelling program at ANSYS for more than 15 years and has been involved in a wide range of industrial modelling challenges.