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GUEST BLOG – Navigating the Future: LEO-PNT Systems Improve Satellite Orbits

    In the world of satellites, there’s a new game-changer: Low Earth Orbit (LEO) constellations joining hands with Global Navigation Satellite Systems (GNSS). What does this mean for us? In this guest blog, Dr. Amir Allahvirdizadeh, Research Fellow at Curtin University explains how LEO-PNT systems help solve numerous challenges when operating in critical environments, ensuring greater reliability and precision than ever before.

    Rocky DEM for Heavy Equipment Design

      For engineers working in heavy equipment design, the ability to analyse and predict the behaviours and responses of structures in varying operating conditions is critical to ensure both safety and optimal equipment performance. At LEAP, our decades of experience with DEM has put us in the perfect position to help our customers to implement Ansys Rocky DEM, coupled with Multi-Body Dynamics (MBD) and Finite Element Analysis (FEA) solvers. This article explores the various ways that Ansys Rocky can be combined with other tools within the Ansys product portfolio, to deliver higher fidelity simulations – with a focus on the heavy equipment industry.

      Honouring the legacy of pioneering Chemical Engineering researcher, Emeritus Prof. Owen Potter with the help of simulation

        Invented by Emeritus Professor Owen Potter AM, a globally renowned chemical engineer, the Venso Flow fluidisation process has significant potential to improve the efficiency and sustainability of many industrial processes. Driven by honouring her father’s legacy, learn how Caecilia Potter and her VensoGrow team are using insights from simulation and IoT control systems to help further improve the process and apply it to seed coating applications.

        Digital Mission Engineering for Aviation-Based Systems: Part 3 – LEO Constellation and Comms

          In this final instalment of our 3-part series the DRM is expanded to incorporate a communications relay from the intercept aircraft to a ground facility. This link is facilitated via a phased array mounted on top of the aircraft and a LEO constellation which serves as a relay between the aircraft transmitter and ground facility receiver. The goal here is to evaluate the access intervals between assets and ensure that the aircraft can maintain a satisfactory communication link to the ground facility.

          LEAP Australia at AusSpace24

          AusSpace24: Nurturing Local Talent for the Australian Space Industry

            Australia finds itself at the threshold of a new era in space exploration, with local employment in the space sector growing from 5,000 to over 17,000 by the end of 2023. At the AusSpace24 Australian Space Summit in Sydney this week, Kaylee Li, University Student Team Partnership Coordinator from LEAP joined an illuminating panel discussion on this very topic.

            Altium to Simulation - Learn how at LEAP Australia

            From Altium to Simulation:  Workflows for Virtual Tests for PCB Designers

              Thomas Benke from LEAP’s Electronics Team was invited to speak at Altium Designer 24 launch event in Sydney. This post offers a series of highlights from that presentation, covering industry trends, the recently announced Altium-Ansys Smart Bridge (including a live demonstration), followed by a discussion of typical simulation examples including PCB analysis.

              Digital Mission Engineering for Aviation-Based Systems: Part 2 – Intercept Aircraft

                In this second article in our 3-part series, the DRM is expanded to include an intercept aircraft, to be launched if/when the radar’s PDet (Probability of Detection) exceeds a certain user defined threshold. At this point in time, the interceptor shall execute a rendezvous with the target aircraft, before returning to the airstrip a short time later.

                Digital Transformation for the Medical Device Industry (Part 3)

                  In this final instalment of our three-part series focusing on Digital Transformation for the Medical Device Industry, we take an in-depth look at how PTC’s Industrial IoT and AR platforms are helping MedTech companies to harness their existing data to improve processes and connect workers with critical information across the enterprise.

                  Digital Mission Engineering for Aviation-Based Systems: Part 1 – Radar Detection

                    This 3-part series will explore how DME can be applied to the radar detection of an aircraft, which in turn will trigger the dynamic intercept of that aircraft. This post explains how to set up radar detection and interpret the results as well as how to factor in radar jamming technology and the impact it may have on the resulting data. Throughout this mission, our system will be assessed on its ability to maintain crucial communication links between its multiple assets.

                    What is Digital Mission Engineering?

                      Traditionally, engineering processes tend to be segmented, operating in isolation from one another. This typically leads to drawn out project timelines, doubling up on work, and miscommunication between team members. Digital Mission Engineering seeks to bring the entire engineering process into one continuous process through the use of digital modelling, simulation and analysis to incorporate the operational environment and evaluate mission outcomes at every phase of the lifecycle.