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Going with the Flow

    The water industry has a range of engineering challenges and specific regulatory requirements, especially concerning flow assurance, water quality, and even component selection. Learn how CFD delivers real value to the water industry – such as predicting complex flow behavior, across individual components or large network systems.

    Tips on modelling non-Newtonian fluid viscosity

      Many fluids we encounter in industry do not strain linearly with respect to viscous shear and are thus considered non-Newtonian. This post explores how to model non-Newtonian viscosity of fluids in ANSYS CFD, using blood as an example.

      Aorta geometry, imported in STL format.

      How to Shrink Wrap a biomedical STL file in Fluent Meshing

      A How-To guide for Fluent Meshing’s new Shrink Wrap tool which provides a powerful, easy-to-use solution for meshing complex STL geometries. This is a step-by-step guide on how to produce a high-quality CFD mesh for an abdominal aorta, imported in medium-resolution STL format (NIH).

      ANSYS PolyFlow Featured Image

      Fast ROI using simulation of polymer manufacturing processes

        ANSYS Polyflow is designed to simulate blow moulding and extrusion processes, as well as mixing of complex rheology liquids, film casting, extruder screw simulation, gravity assisted gob forming, glass pressing and mould filling. Many companies deliver a fast ROI of within 1 year using Polyflow for polymer processing simulations.