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Guest Blog by Adra Group: Increasing Pump System Performance through CFD

In this guest post, Adra Group explains how ANSYS CFD software has assisted them to provide even greater value to their clients, beyond the capabilities of their traditional FEA tools.

Adra Group were approached by Hydro Australia, the largest independent pump rebuilder in the world, to assist them with an investigation into the severe noise and vibration issues encountered at a site, which was also running inefficiently leading to high operating costs.

Hydro Australia singled out the vertical canister pumps as the source of the problem.

Left: 3D flow velocity streamlines into pump canister; Right: Cross-section (X-Y view) schematic of pump-canister assembly

However, they could not be certain of the exact problem without disassembling and inspecting the pump and there were significant costs associated with stopping production.

Adra Group were consulted to provide an in-depth view into the canister pump by using Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD) to simulate the real-life conditions and behaviour of the pump system.


ANSYS CFD was able to provide accurate, quantitative information and visualisation on the internal behaviour of the canister pump in its operating environment.

Adra Group was able to use ANSYS CFD to provide Hydro Australia with internal flow information and details that are virtually impossible to measure or visualise in real life.  The insight gained from this simulation provided not only the evidence Hydro Australia required to propose a solution, but an opportunity to demonstrate the implemented solution to their client prior to any work commencement and provide greater confidence in achieving a favourable outcome.

Adra Group engineers worked closely with Hydro Australia experts to:

  • Identify the exact source and location of the problem within the pump.
    • Flow into pump bell-mouth was non-uniform and biased causing high pressure losses and vibration.
  • Develop and trial various modifications to the pump internals within ANSYS CFD to determine the most clever & practical solution.
  • Verify and validate the effects of these changes.


Using CFD, Adra Group and Hydro Australia were able to deliver the most cost-effective solution for the client, as well as piece of mind that the solution would be effective.


About Adra Group

Adra Group are a resourceful multidiscipline engineering company founded in 1991.  Today, with over 40 fulltime staff based around Australia, Adra Group continues to grow in both size and capability, providing an unmatched value proposition.  We deliver clever, practical solutions for a national client base across a broad range of industries.

For more info, visit the Adra Group website (formerly EDR/Plant Performance) or phone Victoria (Head Office) +61 3 5173 7600 or Perth +61 8 9479 5253




4 thoughts on “Guest Blog by Adra Group: Increasing Pump System Performance through CFD”

  1. Dear AdraGroup

    I would to ask you the approximate cost and time for developing a CFD of a Pump Intake Sump for 6 pumps (4 existing, new sump for new pump and one space) for a capacity of 42 millions of gallons per day.

    I would like to know the approximate cost and time for developing this type of models.

    Kind regards,

    Karen Anguizola V.

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